Saturday, January 9, 2010

I wish there was a way that I could explain...

But I feel that a lot of people wont get it.
Whenever i start, I lose most people. or people think I'm crazy
And its hard to explain to people whose minds are not open bc there are several pieces to be put together before the understanding of it is even possible. Most people are not ready or able to suspend their conventional beliefs of reality, existence, and physicality. I'm gonna attempt to make this make sense. If not to you then maybe more to me. The congruence between every aspect of our reality is so evident and so pervasive that we are not even aware of it. but if for two seconds we separate the I from self, the present from the occurring, we could see that peace is not something that is achieved, but recognized. That Harmony is not something we create, but acknowledge. Everything in the universe comes from the balance of two opposing forces that are balanced bc they are equally opposite. Their journey of separation and recognition, transcendence and imminence, is the rhythm of everything that exist.

my next few blog will go more into the crazy shit i talk about. i pray you feel me...

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